Add Menu Element

  1. After logging in to the Kuika platform, open the project you will work on from the “Apps” screen.

The menu element is usually added to the Master Screen. With master screens, the top, left, right or bottom edges of other screens can be managed through the master page. This allows you to allocate the corresponding edge of the screen for the top menu, tabbar or left menu in your application only for these contents.

  1. In the “UI Design” module, you can create a Master Screen by clicking the “+” icon next to Master Screens in the Screens panel on the left side.
  1. Then drag and drop the Menu element (3) under the “Navigation” (2) category from the “Elements” (1) panel to one of the left, top or right side areas you want to use.
  2. You can use the Direction parameter from the Properties panel with the menu element selected to set the orientation (horizontal/vertical) of the menu according to the area you added.

If the Menu element is inserted in the Left Menu, it will be displayed vertically, justified to the left edge. However, if added to Header or Footer, it will be displayed horizontally.