Add Master Screens

  1. After logging into the Kuika platform, open the project you will work on from the “Apps” screen.
  1. While in the “UI Design” module, open the “Screens” panel on the right side.
  2. Click on the “+” icon next to the Master Screens title.
  1. Complete the creation process by entering a name for the Master Screens in the modal screen that opens.
  2. By default, the Master Screens come with a Header and a Vertical Stack in the left panel. The middle area is left empty for screens where a template is added and no elements can be added to this area.
  1. To create a new screen using a template in the Master Screens, click on the “ADD SCREEN” button.
  1. After clicking the ADD SCREEN button, you will see a screen with Blank and the current Master Screens selected.
  2. Then determine the screen naming and access authorizations (All Roles Access, Anonymous Access).
  3. After making the necessary selections, create the screen by clicking the “CREATE” button.
  4. The screen you create opens automatically. For example, the Employee screen comes with only the center area for editing.
  1. Also, you can add a Table element to the center area, but you cannot make changes to the Header, Footer, and Left Menu because they come from the template.
  2. If you want to define a screen as a normal screen instead of a Master Screens, select None from the selectbox in the Master Page field.
  1. When None is selected, the Master Screens properties are removed and only the elements you added to the center area (e.g. Table) are visible.