Add a New Method for Bluetooth Connection to Your Application

Characteristics are used to accurately distinguish and make sense of data measurements between Bluetooth devices. Each characteristic represents a specific type of data.

  1. After adding the Bluetooth data source, click the ADD NEW METHOD button.
  1. GATT (Generic Attribute Profile) is the standard protocol that regulates the data communication of BLE devices. Fill in the following fields when adding a new method:
  • Name Method name
  • Characteristic ID: Unique ID that identifies the data
  • Service ID Service ID of BLE devices
  • Characteristic Type: UUID indicating the type of data (Read, write, etc.) Each characteristic is identified by a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) and can allow operations such as read (Read), write (Write) or mark (Notify or Indicate).
  1. Save your method by clicking the SAVE button.
  2. Select your method and add an action by clicking the ADD ACTION button in the Properties panel.
  • Sub Array: Used to select a specific part of the data. For example, click +ADD ACTION > Sub Array to ensure that the first two values read from a device are converted to Byte (divide by 128) and converted to temperature value. Click Symbol Picker in Sub Array.
  • In the “Count” field, enter the value “2” since the first two values are requested.
  • Click “+ADD ACTION>Arithmetic>Divide” for byte conversion.
  • Divide: Allows data conversion by dividing by a specific value. Click the Symbol Picker in Value in Divide and select Action Results>Sub Array to call the value from Sub Array. Then type “128” in the value2 field.

Complete the process by clicking the UPDATE button.