System Actions



It is the action that allows it to be directed to the screen selected from the To Screen parameter.

  • To Screen: Select the screen to be opened.
  • Open As: One of Current Page, New Tab, Drawer and Modal options is selected.
  • Execute Page Inıt Actions After Closed: If there is a Page Intial Action on the current page, if this option and the option is marked as true, these actions are executed when Navigation is closed.

Select the element to add an action to. Click +Add Action under the Properties panel.(A)

Click OnClick → Navigation → Navigate and add the Navigate action.(A)

Current Page, New Tab, Drawer and Modal can be selected in the Open As parameter.

When Current Page is selected, the desired screen is directed through the current screen.

When New Tab is selected, the desired screen opens in a new tab.

When Drawer is selected, placement, width, height and push parameters are displayed.

  • Placement: One of the Top, Right, Bottom and Left options is selected. Drawer opens in that direction according to the selected parameter.
  • Width: The width value of the opened Drawer is selected as px, % or vw and a value is written.
  • Height: The height of the opened Drawer is selected as px, % or vw and a value is written.
  • Push: If there are nested Drawers, when this option is checked as true, the secondary Drawer will be opened next to the primary Drawer.


When selected, we are presented with Closable, Width and Height parameters.

  • Closable: Tick whether the opened Modal can be closed or not.
  • Width: The width of the opened Modal is selected as px, % or vw and a value is written.
  • Height: The height of the opened Modal is selected as px, % or vw and a value is written.

You can perform various operations for the added actions via Context Menu (B).

You can easily copy the action with the Copy option. Thus, you gain speed where action repetition is required.

With the Add Confirmation option, you can add a confirmation message for the action to work,

With Add Condition, you can determine that the action you add works in accordance with a certain condition,

You can easily delete the action added with the Remove option.

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