System Actions
Process Automation actions

Get Processes Started By Me

Get Processes Started By Me

Get Processes Started By Me action is a system action that retrieves the information of the completed or ongoing Process that the user has started. All the information in the Process is displayed.

To add the Get Processes Started By Me action, click +Add Action under the Properties panel. (A)

Click OnClick --> Process Automation --> Get Processes Started By Me and create the Get Processes Started By Me action. (A)

The created action comes with various parameters.

  • Show Completed: Input field that determines whether the completed Processes should be included in the result or not.
  • Page: It is the field where the numbering parameter settings of the pages where the jobs assigned to the pool or person are listed.
  • Page Size: This is the field where the page size is set.
  • Search Key: It is the area where TextInput settings are made in order to easily search the jobs assigned to the pool or person with the help of the search box.

Click Symbol Picker (B) to fill in the parameters in the created action.

You can perform various operations for the actions you have created via the Context menu (C).

You can easily copy the action with the Copy option. This way you will gain speed where action repetition is required.

With the Add Confirmation option, you can add a confirmation message for the action to work,

With Add Condition, you can specify that the action you add works in line with a certain condition,

You can easily delete the action created with the Remove option.

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