With Kuika's Process Automation module, you can get information about assigned tasks with the Get My Tasks Info action in workflow-added applications. The Get My Tasks Info action is an effective tool that a project manager can use, for example, when he wants to get his team's task summary within a specific application. In this course, you will learn how to get information about the tasks assigned to your applications using the Get My Tasks Info action.
This training content consists of the following topics:
Designer 1 course aims to improve your design skills on the Kuika Low-code platform.
Builder 1 course aims to increase your development skills on the Kuika Low-code platform.
Builder 2 course aims to introduce advanced development methods using Kuika's visual interface tools.
Process Automation course aims to increase your workflow development skills on the Kuika Low-code platform.
Designer 2 course offers content for preparing advanced interface designs on the Kuika Low-code platform.