System Actions

Generate Link

Generate Link

The Generate Link action allows you to dynamically create a link to a specific resource or page.

With this action:

  • Users can easily access specific pages, forms or modules within the application.
  • You can use the generated links to allow users to quickly access or share target content.
  • You can improve the user experience with notifications or dynamic redirects.

For example:

  • You can create a link that redirects a user to a specific page.
  • When a notification is clicked, you can provide automatic redirection to related content.

Generate Link action is supported in web and mobile applications.

Add Generate Link Action

  1. Log in to the Kuika platform and open the project you will work on from the Apps screen.
  2. Switch to the UI Design module and open the Properties panel on the right side.
  3. Click on the + ADD ACTION drop-down menu.
  1. Select Initial Actions → Navigation → Generate Link.
  2. Configure the following field from the drop-down menu:
  • Navigate on Notification Click:
    • Specify which page to redirect to when the link is clicked.
    • It is used to manage redirects from notifications or dynamic links.

By following these steps, you can effectively use the Generate Link action on the Kuika platform.

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