The Bluetooth Permission Is Given action on the Kuika platform is used to check whether the user has granted permission for an application to access Bluetooth features. In case permission is not granted, this action can send a warning message or start the process of requesting permission.
This training content consists of the following topics:
On the screen that opens, fill in the following fields:
Then click the CREATE (4) button to create the data source.
After filling in the required fields, click the SAVE button to create the method.
Then configure the following fields:
3. After completing the configuration, click the SAVE button.
You have successfully added the Bluetooth Permission Is Given action to your application.
Designer 1 course aims to improve your design skills on the Kuika Low-code platform.
Builder 1 course aims to increase your development skills on the Kuika Low-code platform.
Builder 2 course aims to introduce advanced development methods using Kuika's visual interface tools.
Process Automation course aims to increase your workflow development skills on the Kuika Low-code platform.
Designer 2 course offers content for preparing advanced interface designs on the Kuika Low-code platform.