System Actions
Payment Actions

Activate Subscription

Activate Subscription

The Activate Subscription action used with Kuika's Iyzico integration allows a canceled subscription to be reactivated. It allows the subscription to be restarted and updated after payment transactions.

Thanks to this action:

  • You can reactivate users' canceled subscriptions.
  • Manage subscription processes dynamically.
  • You can automatically renew the subscription for users whose payment process is completed .

For example:

When a user wants to reactivate a canceled subscription, this action is executed and the subscription is restarted.

A subscription that failed auto-renewal can be reactivated when payment is received.

Activate Subscription is supported on web and mobile apps.

Add Activate Subscription Action

  1. Log in to the Kuika platform and open the project you will work on from the Apps screen.
  2. Switch to the UI Design module and open the Properties panel on the right side.
  3. Click on the + ADD ACTION drop-down menu.
  1. Select Initial Actions → Payment → Iyzico → Activate Subscription.
  2. Configure the following field from the drop-down menu:
  • User Name:
    • Specifies the username of the account to be reactivated in the subscription plan.
    • It is required to determine which subscription of the user will be restarted.

Finally, complete the configuration process by clicking the SAVE button.

By following these steps, you can effectively use the Activate Subscription action on the Kuika platform.

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